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The Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC) is a corporate body set up on the 1st of September 2019 through the proclamation of the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council Act 2019. The Council acts as the apex body which advises the Government on matters concerning applied research, innovation and research and development issues. The new Act empowers the Council in the promotion of high-quality research and in fostering innovation.

Objectives of the Council

The objectives of MRIC as enunciated in the Act are to:

(a) Promote and coordinate applied research, innovation and research and development           according to the needs of the country and to improve the quality of life;​

(b) Foster a research, innovation and entrepreneurship culture;

(c) Encourage the development and application of advanced and innovative technology to meet the needs of industries;

(d) Enhance private sector participation in research and development and innovation; and

(e) Promote commercial utilisation of the results of research and development and                     innovation, in the national interest. ​

Consult the MRIC Act:

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